Saturday, November 5, 2011

Vic Reasoner's Commentary on Revelation

Here's (at the bottom-right under "Reveling in Revelation - Vic Reasoner - June 2001 - October 2002") a 53-part lecture on the book of Revelation by Vic Reasoner (author of A Fundamental Wesleyan Commentary on Revelation).

Friday, November 4, 2011

Victorious Eschatology by Eberle and Trench

This book is good but I recommend it with reservation and caution. Authors Harold R. Eberle and Martin Trench do NOT call hyper-preterism heretical! Although Eberle and Trench make it clear they do NOT agree with hyper-preterism they still cite and recommend a few of their works, like John L. Bray's, John R. Noe's, and Kurt Simmons' works. I fear this book may legitimize the hyper-preterist position. But, for what it's worth, Victorious Eschatology is a solid view of the partial-preterist view.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Is Drudge Report dispensationalist friendly?

At, they have this article under the quoted-link: "MARK OF THE BEAST? Electronic tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses..."

It looks like dispies are going to go nutts over this.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gregory A. Boyd on Preterism

"For my part, I find the arguments for the preterist reading of Revelation quite compelling, though I also believe there are paradigmatic spiritual truths found throughout the book, as the idealist camp argues."

- Greg Boyd

Boyd gives a lecture on the Olivet Discourse here.

Friday, May 20, 2011

For you, Harold Camping

The staff at College Humor get it right.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

C. Peter Wagner is a Preterist?

I don't know too many charismatics who are preterists, but it appears that C. Peter Wagner is one of them:

Victorious eschatology makes a convincing argument that the biblical prophecies concerning the "last days" or the "end times" were literally fulfilled at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The end times marked the ending of the old covenant and the beginning of the new covenant. Jesus literally will return to the earth in the future (see Matthew 24:36-25:46), but none of the signs of Matthew 24:4-34 are expected to precede His return, because they have already occurred. This is known by professional theologians as the Partial Preterist view of eschatology, and it is the view with which I personally identify.

- C. Peter Wagner, Dominion!: How Kingdom Action Can Change the World, p. 61-62 (paranthesis his)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ed Budd

Ed Budd is an up and coming speaker for preterism. Check out his links:
Sermon Audio Link

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Youtube Channel: Eschatology247

A youtube channel dedicated to the orthodox preterist view:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Christian and a Jew discuss Dispensationalism

Bill Moyers does an interview with a Christian (Timothy Weber, author of On the Road to Armageddon) and Jew (Michael Lerner) about the dangers of dispensationalism.